For weeks 9 and 10 we were instructed to join and create a profile on the public relations website PR OpenMic. This web site is really cool! I haven’t had much time to play around on it, but from what I saw I was impressed. It’s basically a site for PR students, their teachers, and professionals. It’s similar to LinkedIn, but I like this site a lot better. On the home page it has breaking news stories, links to blogs on the site, pictures posted by users on PR OpenMic, and so much more! The part that I liked the most was toward the bottom of the main page and it was an open forum of tips and FAQ about stuff in the PR world such as: how to write a news release, ghost writing ethics, etc. I have a feeling I’ll be using those discussions a lot for help with assignments and probably even once I’m out of the ‘Boro and in the Real World (ahh! scary!) I also joined a few groups on the site. I joined the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) which is near and dear to my heart because I’m the co-liaison of the chapter here at Georgia Southern University and because students from across the country are members of this group and I’m hoping to go to the PRSSA National Conference in Washington, D.C. in the fall and it would be cool to meet them and network. I also joined the PR Entertainment group because I’ve thought about working in that industry so it would be nice to have a few connections or know someone to talk to about questions I might have.

Overall, I most definitely recommend this site! Even if you’re not a PR student or in that field I think it has a lot of stuff that could benefit you anyways. Think of it as Facebook for PR people. I just hope it’s not as addicting as Facebook because I’m not sure I have enough time in a day to Facebook-stalk and PR OpenMic-stalk. Anyways, I’m done rambling…just join the site and enjoy! Here’s a link to my page, MY PAGE. And don’t judge it because I haven’t had time to add cool stuff to it. Leave me a comment or give me a gift! 😉